Monday 26 January 2015

Syriza: Destroyers of EU, And Possibly Miliband

The far left party in Greece has won. The British left are in elation; but for how long?

Firstly here's Syriza's "emergency plan"

1. Raise minimum wage from 580 euros to 751 euros per month
2. If a pension is below 700 euros per month, they will receive a "13th Month" extra
3. Coupons for electricity and food to 300,000 households
4. Free medical care
5. Scrap tax on heating

The so called "emergency plan" will cost 12 billion euros, adding to their 240 billion euros debt they're in with the EU.

How do they plan so solve their debts? Basically by demanding that the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, simply writes off a huge chunk of their debt.

And if Mrs Merkel refuses to write off their debt? They'll jump and leave the EU (AKA 'grexit).

This is where Labour will rue they day Ed Miliband refused to offer us a referendum.

If the Tories win the next election we will get a referendum in 2017 (if Greece hasn't already pushed us out), if UKIP win (doubtful) we will get a referendum almost immediately.

If Labour win, nothing will happen, no change will be made, no referendum will be offered, Ed must really need the EU.

So no longer are the Tories, or UKIP Ed's biggest worries against, Europe, it's a left wing party who he should be in "solidarity" with on  the fight against austerity.

Instead, Labour will be hoping and praying that Merkel and Tsipras find some common ground, which I think we can all safely say, won't happen.

Instead Syriza plays into the Tories hands, firstly, if they break up the European Union, the promise of a referendum will be forgotten, the pressure of Merkel will be released, and many of their voters will be content at the EU's demise.

Syriza is not a friend of Labour, more like their worst nightmare coming true.

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